Aktuelle AIIM Studien im kostenfreien Download

21. August 2015 15:47 Uhr  |  PC_admin  |  Permalink

AIIM International hat wieder eine Reihe von Studien und aufbereiteten Informationen zu ECM, E-Discovery, Mobile & Cloud, geteilte Inhalte, BigData Analytics und dynamischer Informationserfassung veröffentlicht.

Nach Anagbe der persönlichen Daten bei AIIM können die Studien kostenfrei als PDF heruntergeladen werden.


A More Innovative way to Manage eDiscovery: an AIIM white paper.
Introduction | The Challenge of Legal/Litigation Hold | Governance Matters | 
The Proof is in the Process | Positioning to Negotiate | More is not Always Better |
Conclusion and Recommendations | References 


State of Mobile and Cloud 2015: an AIIM Research Report.
About the Research | Introduction | Key Findings | Cloud Policies and Deployment | 
ECM in the Cloud | Already Using Cloud | Cloud Benefits and ROI |
Mobile – Policies and Adoption | Mobile Issues and Benefits | 
Forward Mobile Strategies | Opinions | Conclusion and Recommendations | 
Appendix 1: Survey Demographics | 
Appendix 2: General comments to make about your content analytics projects?

Empower your Workforce with Dynamic Capture: an AIIM whitepaper.
Introduction | Opportunity for Shared Content Foundation
and Unified Access | 
ECM Plays a Vital Role | 
Unifying and Optimizing the Content Ecosystem | 
Building Upon the ECM Foundation | Benefits of ECM | 
Conclusions and Recommendations | References 

Shared Content for Company-Wide Engagement: an AIIM white paper.'
Introduction | Capture at the Leading Edge of Process | Multi-Channel Capture |
Automating the capture process | The Mobile Workforce Challenge | 
Conclusion and Recommendations | References 


Content Analytics: automating processes and extracting knowledge:
an AIIM Research Report.

About the Research | Introduction | Key Findings | Drivers and Adoption | 
Process Automation and Inbound Routing | Information Governance | 
Analysis / Business Insight | Big Content Projects | Opinions | Spend |
Conclusion and Recommendations | References |
Appendix 1: Survey Demographics | Appendix 2: General Comments


Managing Governance, Risk and Compliance with ECM and BPM:
an AIIM Whitepaper

About the White Paper | Introduction | Key Findings | Drivers for GRC | 
GRC Issues | Use of ECM/RM/BPM | GRC Solutions | Opinions and Spend | 
Conclusion and Recommendations | Appendix 1: Survey Demographics



Improve Content Access, Team Collaboration, and Mobility
– Eliminate Shared Network Drives 





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