AIIM Studien | Sommer 2016
8. August 2016 08:00 Uhr | PC_admin | Permalink
AIIM International veröffentlicht in regelmäßigen Abständen Marktstudien, Whitepaper und Trendberichte, die auch für Europa und Deutschland relevant sind. In den letzen drei Monaten erschienen Studien zu den Themen Information Management, BPM, Dark Data, Capture, ECM, Records Management und Sharepoint Trends.
Die AIIM Studien, Whitepaper und Marktanalysen stellen eine schier unendliche Informationsbasis für das Umfeld Enterprise Cnntent Management und Enterprise Information Management dar. Dabei werden auch die aktuellen Trends wie Cloud, Mobile, BigData, Social Business, Analytics etc. mit ihren Auswirkungen berücksichtigt.
Folgende acht aktuellen AIIM Whitepaper, Studien und Trendanalysen werden vorgestellt und können kostenfrei heruntergeladen werden. Die Links führen dabei auf die AIIM Webseite und auf Dokumentationen bei PROJECT CONSULT:
- Industry Watch – Information Management: State of the Industry
- Business Process Management: User perceptions and expectations
- Dark Data in capture processes
- The Benefits of Multichannel Capture
- Reimagining ECM in the Modern Enterprise
- Document Management, Records Management, and SharePoint Trends
Process Improvement and Automation 2016 – A Look at BPM
Information Management: State of the Industry (April 2016)
Information Management ist ein Stützpfeiler jeder Organisation, ebenso wie Kunden- und Ressourcenmanagement. Die Verwaltung und Aufzeichnung des Wissens der Organisation, der neuen Inhalte, der getroffenen Entscheidungen und festgelegten Verpflichtungen ist die wichtigste Voraussetzung für Erfolg der Organisation und die stetige Verbesserung der laufenden Prozesse. Schafft man es nicht diese Information zu verwalten und nutzbar zu machen, lähmt das die Operationsfähigkeit und schafft Schwachstellen.
In diesem Bericht wird dargestellt, wie verschiedene ECM System-Strategien mit den allgemeinen Anforderungen des Information Management umgehen, mit besonderem Blick auf die Cloud und Mobile.
Download bei AIIM:
- About the Research
- Introduction
- Drivers and Adoption
- Content Creation, Access and Deletion
- ECM Systems
- Workflow and Business Process
- ECM Within the Enterprise
- Cloud and Analytics
- Opinions and Spend
- Conclusion and Recommendations
- Appendix 1 Survey Demographics
- Appendix 2 General Comments
Die "Keyfindings" der Studie "Information Management: State of the Industry (April 2016)":
IM Drivers and Adoption
- The number of large organizations citing compliance and risk as the largest driver for IM has risen sharply in the past year from 38% to 59%. 44% of mid-sized organizations also cite this as the biggest driver whereas smaller organizations consider cost savings and productivity improvements to be more significant drivers.
- 17% of responding organizations have completed an enterprise-wide ECM capability, including 4% on a global scale. 23% are rolling out company-wide, and a further 15% are integrating across departments. 6% are looking to replace existing system(s) with a new one.
- Only 18% align their IM/ECM system strategies with agreed IG policies. 15% have IG policies but they do not drive decisions. 29% have no IG policies.
- 39% describe their email management as “chaotic”, including the largest organizations. 55% agree that email is their big untagged, ungoverned, high-risk content type. Only 10% selectively archive emails to ECM, RM or SharePoint.
- 22% consider their ECM project to be somewhat stalled, and 21% have user adoption issues. 52% admit that they are still dependent on their network file-shares.
- 38% are actively focused on extending their ECM functionality and 25% are rolling out to a wider user-base. 30% are improving collaboration and 21% are working on mobile and remote access.
Content Lifecycle
- Poor content management practices result in taking too long to find content (62%), duplicated efforts (52%) and insufficient re-use (46%). 49% also report too many round-robin emails and 40% cite unnecessary printing.
- In addition to the 64% reporting chaotic file shares and 48% chaotic email, 35% feel their electronic records management is chaotic, and 34% their SharePoint. Enterprise file share-and-sync (EFSS) and workplace social are not generally well-governed – a recipe for future chaos.
- Only 35% consider their non-SharePoint ECM system to be easily searchable, yet this is the best result compared to all other repositories. 57% of those using SharePoint make it available enterprise-wide compared to 44% of non-SharePoint ECM systems.
- Only 22% have mobile access to ECM/RM content. 21% have mobile capture and 20% content creation and commenting. Just 13% have process interaction on mobile. 8% are using digital signing.
- 24% have no mechanism to limit stored content volumes, including 21% of the largest organizations. 47% have an IG policy that defines retention periods, but 51% rely on manual deletion versus 25% who have automated deletion. 7% are using analytics tools for data clean-up.
- Half of organizations surveyed would struggle to defend deletions in court, particularly with cloud file-shares and workplace social, but SharePoint (40%) and email (31%) are not far behind. Even where organizations have IG policies, half are not auditing compliance and 15% admit they are mostly ignored.
ECM Systems
- 62% of organizations use SharePoint as a main, secondary or legacy ECM/DM/RM system, including 27% using the online version (12% exclusively online). No other supplier has more than a 23% share of the installed base across these categories.
- 40% describe SharePoint as their “main” system, although almost all of these consider one or more other systems to also be a “main” system. Next highest market share for “main” system is 18%.
- 8% consider SharePoint to be a “legacy” system, compared to between 7% and 15% of those systems traditionally described as legacy.
- 72% are using single-vendor general purpose suites as their main ECM systems, compared with 13% using integrated best-of-breed and 10% in-house developed. 20% of suites are used out-of-the- box, 29% with add-ons and 25% customized for industry sector.
- When asked which ECM model users would adopt if changing their systems, EFSS would jump from 4% to 11%, and best-of-breed from 13% to 24%. In-house developed would drop from 10% to 4%.
- The system strategy for 37% is to have records management integrated in a single-suite ECM system. 11% prefer a single-suite ECM plus a separate RM system. 8% are happy with multiple DM/ECM systems feeding a single RM system and 8% are working to a 3-tier approach – collaboration + ECM + RM.
- 20% are looking to buy a new or replacement ECM system in the next 2 years, with a further 15% migrating to a single existing system. 27% will be adding capabilities to best-of-breed and departmental systems.
Workflow and Business Process
- 28% are using capture supplied with their ECM suite, 22% have a system from a different capture supplier integrated with their ECM. 46% of small organizations and 27% of mid-size and large have no capture and workflow.
- 26% of organizations are using multiple, point-solution capture systems (rising to 34% of the largest). 15% have distributed capture and 13% digital mailrooms.
- 23% have elements of multi-channel inbound integration, but only 5% with automated routing to multiple processes. 58% describe their inbound handling as ad-hoc.
ECM Within the Enterprise
- In 24% of organizations almost all staff rely on collaboration/ECM/workflow systems to do their jobs. In 60% of organizations, half or more of employees are reliant.
- In 47% of organizations a content system outage of more than 2 hours would cause serious business disruption. 79% would struggle after one day.
- • 31% have integrated their ECM system with content creation systems, 18% with multi-repository search, 15% with project or case management and 13% with ERP. 27% have no integration with other systems.
Cloud and Analytics
- 20% are live with cloud for all or some of their core content, plus 7% with selected users/content or for collaboration and file-sharing only. 26% have no plans for cloud.
- 39% prefer “private cloud” (22% on their own servers and 17% outsourced). 19% prefer multitenanted cloud, managed by their ECM provider. 25% have yet to decide.
- 15% are using automated or assisted classification at the point of creation/declaration. 11% are using analytics for metadata and security correction as a post-process. 12% use content analytics for business insight.
Opinions and Spend
- 50% of respondents feel that traditional ECM vendors are relying on user lock-in, but 43% feel that cloud ECM/collaboration lacks much functionality. 31% feel EFSS is taking over many ECM functions.
- 87% are concerned about cloud chaos and 75% agree that email management is still the “elephant in the room”. 79% report that they have plenty of scope for extending their ECM/BPM/RM.
- Cloud and SaaS services are set for the biggest increase in spend, then storage and software licences. Professional services spend is still increasing in around 10% of organizations. Few organizations plan to increase their spend on scanning hardware, and outsourcing (DPO) is set to fall slightly.
- Workflow and BPM show the biggest uptake of new buyers, along with analytics and enterprise search. Email management and case management spend is likely to increase, as will ECM (including SharePoint), particularly in cloud services.
Business Process Management: User perceptions and Expectations (April 2016)
In der heutigen Unternehmenslandschaft müssen Organisationen dazu in der Lage sein, schnell Änderungen an ihren Produkten und Dienstleistungen durchzuführen, aktiv auf neue Anfiorderungen zu reagieren sowie Produkte und Dienstleistung effektiv und effizient, nach Kundenwunsch, zu erbringen.
BPM kann so auch als Kombination von Prozessen, Menschen, Informationen und der operativen Technologien interpretiert werden. BPM sorgt für reibungslose, kontrollierte Abläufe.
Download bei AIIM:
- About the Whitepaper
- Introduction
- Perceptions
- Technology and Infrastructure
- Use and Spend
- Conclusion
Appendix 1: Survey Demographics
Die "Keyfindings" der Studie "Business Process Management: User perceptions and Expectations":
Business Process Management: User perceptions and Expectations
- 73% of organizations feel BPM increases organizational agility. 67% believe BPM enhances and supports collaboration.
- BPM initiatives are driven at the departmental level according to 65% of respondents. 38% indicate BPM is initiated from the bottom up.
- Security and access control is the focus of BPM for 23% of respondents. 55% say their BPM projects are focused on analysis and reengineering.
Technology Infrastructure
- Data management is cited as part of BPM functionality for 54% of respondents. 42% indicate that their BPM solution is integrated with their ECM and ERP systems.
- Process monitoring using BAM (Business Activity Monitoring) tools is in place for 36% of respondents. 24% say they use simulation tools for their processes.
Use and Spend
- 70% of respondents indicate their BPM focus is on content driven processes. Transactional
- and repetitive processes are the focus for 74%.
- Activity monitoring is considered essential for their BPM solution choice (64%). 51% see modelling as mandatory when considering a BPM solution.
- 36% indicate the CIO/COO will make their BPM purchase decision. 23% indicate the line-of-business- manager will make the BPM purchase decision.
Shedding Light on the Dark Data in your Document Capture Processes
OCR zu nutzen um Metadaten von strukturierten Formfeldern auszulesen ist mittlerweile Gang und Gäbe. Handschriftlicher Text, Kommentarfelder, Dokumentenänderungen und Unterschriften bereiten jedoch einige Schwierigkeiten. Mit ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition) kann dem jedoch Abhilfe geschaffen werden.
Der Bericht gibt einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Technik.
Download bei AIIM:
- About the White Paper
- Introduction
- Capture Characteristics
- Utilizing Captured Data
- Hand-written annotations
- OCR/ICR Products
- ROI for ICR
- Conclusion and Recommendations
- Appendix 1: Survey Demographics
- Appendix 2: Open ended Comments
Die "Keyfindings" der Studie "Shedding Light on the Dark Data in your Document Capture Processes":
- Of the 73% survey respondents who scan forms, only half do text recognition. A quarter only scan to archive, and the remaining quarter workflow scanned images but manually re-key the data.
- Since 2012, use of captured text for archive indexing has grown from 64% to 87% (of those who do use text recognition). Use for routing has risen from 59% to 66%, and full forms capture to process has doubled from 19% to 37%. Data capture to AP/AR financial processes is up from 32% to 40%.
- Among the most likely reasons for not using recognition are too many types of forms, and not enough critical mass. This is mostly due to localized decision-making within business units.
- For 40%, half or more of inbound forms have handwritten data fields. For 29% half or more of their forms have hand-written free text or open-ended data fields and 55% have signatures on half or more of their forms.
- Hand-written fields and notes “play a key role” for 22%, and are “quite important” for a further 45%.
- 37% have never assessed ICR (handwriting recognition) compared to 12% who have never assessed OCR (machine print recognition). Only 43% have assessed ICR performance in the past 2 years.
- 12% use ICR to recognize hand-printed constrained field entries. 6% use ICR to recognize hand-written script and free-form entries.
- For all respondents, an average productivity improvement of 31% was considered likely if recognition of hand-written text could be automated. 28% of respondents would expect a 50% or more improvement. For current ICR users, the average rises to 37.5%.
- 35% of ICR users report a payback period of 12 months or less. 55% see ROI within 18 months.
- 44% would find it extremely or very useful to recognize hand-written keywords on open-ended form fields, or on business documents, for use in tagging or metadata correction. Routing and workflow, and legal discovery are also key applications.
- 25% have processes that require signatures to be matched and verified. For 45% it would be extremely or very useful to automatically match signatures on contracts and purchase agreements, and also to flag up amendments or hand-written notes.
Thinking in New Dimensions: The Benefits of Multichannel Capture
Laut aktueller AIIM Studien haben 40% der Befragten unterschiedliche Eingangskanäle für Informationen zu berücksichtigen. Sie müssen dabei mit elektronischen wie auch papiernen Informationen umgehen. 36% der Studienteilnehmer gaben an, dass sie die elektronische Information ausdrucken, um sie zusammen mit der restlichen papiergebunden Information erfassen und ablegen zu können. Das lähmt natürlich Verarbeitungsprozesse, steigert das Risiko für Erfassungsfehler, Informationsverlust und nicht autorisierten Zugriff.
Dowlaod bei AIIM:
- About the White Paper
- Single Platform as Advantage
- Only the Beginning
- Opportunities
- New Dimensions
- Conclusion and Recommendations
„Introduction“ mit Zusammenfassung des Whitepapers „Thinking in New Dimensions: The Benefits of Multichannel Capture”:
Businesses must extend their processes beyond the traditional walls to include support of multichannel input, remote workers, external partners, and their customers. Success is reliant on moving away from working at the speed of paper to managing information and business critical content in digital form. This means that paper-based information must be captured – at first touch point whenever and wherever possible, and integrated into end-to-end business processes.
What I am talking about here is the need for organizations to think multidimensional and adopt a multi-channel capture approach. By approaching capture in this way, you are addressing not only scanned documents but also emails, voice, video and all of the ways information is received and captured today, using a range of devices that includes mobile.
This is an area of great opportunity for many organizations. Recent AIIM research finds that 40% of those polled are dealing with multi-channel inbound content in an adhoc manner between paper and electronic information. 36% indicate they print their electronic inbound information and process it as paper. This of course slows operational processes and increases the risk factor for loss of information and unauthorized access substantially.
Ideally, multi-channel in-bound would be automated, thereby extracting, validating and interpreting inbound data. Our research finds that only 3% have a comprehensive approach to multi-channel inbound content across paper, electronic and social content. The benefit gained from this approach can be seen in cost reduction, improvements in productivity, improved customer satisfaction, greater accuracy of information, and better governance and compliance.
When coupled with the flexibility offered through outsourced capture services, mobile device use, and cloud services, businesses are able to:
- Better utilize their information assets
- Provide a single point of access to vital business information
- Automate manual data capture processes
- Improve workforce engagement and interaction at all levels
- Increase internal and external collaboration capabilities
- Access information across the enterprise regardless of location
Modern business has a tradition steeped in paper. At one time, all content in-or-out of the company came through or went out the front door. Paper was simple, and it trafficked on two-lane streets. Today, structured and unstructured content pours into and out of the enterprise from all directions. Single channel capture of legacy paper through document scans are plainly not enough to deal with the changing information capture realities of the present. Capture now exists wherever information flows: whether its online, mobile, in the cloud – on-premise or in an outsourced ECM software – in all these places capture has the express purpose to manage information from a variety of sources including, multi-channel input, remote workers, and external partners and their customers.
To accommodate for the evolving patterns of information capture we must shred our paper legacies to avoid becoming throttled to the speed of paper, and adopt a system of multichannel capture to manage information and business critical content in digital form. To do this, we must ensure that paper-based content is captured, whenever and wherever possible, at first-touch point and then integrated to end-to-end business processes.
Our data has taken on new dimensions, and so too must our capture systems. We must approach the capture of emails, voice, video recordings, scanned documents, cloud based content, mobile content, and all the disparate angles of entry from which content enters and exits the organization with multidimensional thinking and multichannel capture solutions. To harness the power of data is no easy task, but it is one that is inextricably linked to the way forward. Connectivity begets further connectivity. The cloud only gets bigger. Mobile access only becomes more mobile. It is not just technology—it is a mindset, and it begins with a multidimensional approach
Reimagining ECM in the Modern Enterprise
Cloud und Mobile in einem Informationsökosystem zusammenzuführen erweitert den Rahmen der Anforderungen, die an ECM Systeme gestellt werden. Die Systeme müssen eine Vielzahl verschiedener Geräte unterstützen und Tag und Nacht zuverlässigen Zugriff über die Cloud ermöglichen. In diesem White Paper werden die Möglichkeiten für Unternehmen dargestellt, ihre ECM Systeme, mit Hilfe von Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS), sicher und flexibel im Funktionsumfang zu erweitern.
Downlaod bei AIIM:
- About the White Paper
- Introduction to ECM Maturity
- ECM and the Transformation of Enterprise Work
- Extending the Information Ecosystem with EFSS
- Three Disruptive Business Challenges Modern ECM Must Address
- Identifying New Business Opportunities
- Conclusions and Recommendations
„Introduction“ mit Zusammenfassung des Whitepapers „Reimagining ECM in the Modern Enterprise”:
Introduction to ECM Maturity
Faced with globally increasing competition and expansion, today’s business organizations must find and implement simple, secure collaboration solutions that extend external sharing beyond their organization by tapping into local ECM systems and giving them global reach. Information must be provided on a 24/7 basis in a secure manner that not only controls access beyond the enterprise, but also is device agnostic, supporting the mobile workforce and external business interactions.
In the new use cases presenting themselves to business, considerations and accommodations must include external parties like partners, suppliers, and perhaps customers. Looking across the enterprise in various departments we find many opportunities to transform the ways an organization works with ECM.
One critical concern is how to increase productivity through mobile devices for capture of and access to vital business information. Idealizing engagement for project team, cross departmental, and external partner collaboration can mean the difference between revenue gains and business lost due to complex processes or the inability to respond in a timely manner.
Businesses must tune their ECM ecosystem in new ways that transform how their people operate both internally and externally, meeting the challenge of providing a secure collaboration environment and embracing enterprise mobility. In addition, multi-channel input and capture provides the means for information to enter the business process at various stages, bringing it under corporate control and governance.
Incorporating cloud and mobile as part of the information ecosystem extends ECM capabilities in a more flexible and responsive way by supporting device specific requirements and providing reliable 24/7 access through the cloud. Employees, partners, suppliers, and clients can upload, access, and download vital information when they need it – from the location of their choice – transforming the way they work with content and with each other.
Unfortunately, run rate spending on existing capital budget sometimes keeps IT from funding innovation in ECM. Yet, since the key benefit of connecting Enterprise File Synch and Share (EFSS) to ECM is for new business value, AIIM suggests the use of operating expenses (OPEX) from lines of business to fund the initial team/use cases. Moreover, make sure the connection to your existing ECM system allows tight coupling with the cloud repository to:
- Capture documents from mobile devices or other sources and send to cloud
- Store documents in the cloud for improved business mobility and agility
- Share and easily access documents from any device, anywhere in the world
- Control who to share content with
- Collaborate on content with viewing, commenting, workflow and co-editing capabilities
- Protect content with enterprise grade security, encryption, backups and compliance
The time is now for business organizations to look beyond their corporate walls, and extend their information and content management capabilities to their partners, suppliers, and customers. The information ecosystem must develop and evolve to address accessibility, mobility, and flexibility. Anytime, anywhere, any device interactions are no longer a nice to have, they are a must-have requirement.
The benefits derived from a synchronized on premise and cloud approach can simplify workflows, increase collaborative capabilities, support risk management efforts, increase productivity, and streamline operational processes. Sales processes move faster through enhanced customer engagement, mobile access to information and engagement with review and approval processes, while securely managing related sales documents.
Linking on premise ECM to cloud based applications is a way to bridge content silos across the enterprise enhancing internal and external collaboration, with support for mobile device use regardless of operating system. Cloud serves as an intermediary with synchronization to on premise
ECM, ensuring that all content is up-to-date and that the right information is provided every time. Cloud supports mobile device use for access to and capture of business-related information and content – from any location. This same captured data is used to trigger workflows, so actions are taken quickly and more efficiently. Marketing can create content faster and more consistently through the reuse of existing content sources, and reduce editing processes through streamlined workflows.
Organizations seeking to transform their organizations into a more agile and responsive way of working, should proactively assess where and how bridging from ECM with EFSS in a cloud environment will provide the greatest benefit.
As an information management professional or business leader, consider:
- Identify relevant content sources – Internally and externally.
- Internal repositories and systems.
- External resources like journals, blogs, social networking sites
- Enlist SME expertise.
- To target additional resources and information types
- For validation and enhancement of collected information
- Create an integrated information ecosystem.
- Connect ECM and existing business systems across the enterprise
- Leverage curator systems to serve as the mediator between information and user
Document Management, Records Management, and SharePoint Trends
Der steigende Bedarf für flexiblere und schnellere Entwicklung von ECM Schlüsselfunktionen bietet Entwicklern eine Chance neue Add-On Produkte für Sharepoint und andere ECM Systeme zu entwickeln und zu verteiben. Dieses White Paper zeigt einige der verfügbaren Optionen um ECM Erweiterungen zu nuzen nebst Bewertung der dabei auftretenden Herausforderungen.
Der Bericht beleuchtet den aktuellen Sharepoint unter dem Gesichtspunkt seiner ECM-Funktionalität.
Download bei AIIM:
- About the White Paper
- Executive Summary
- Accessible Mobility
- Organizational Drivers
- What about SharePoint
- What about Office 365
- Solving Business Problems
- The Role of ECM and SharePoint
- Extending ECM and SharePoint Capabilities
- Conclusion
“Executive Summary” mit Zusammenfassung des Whitepapers „Document Management, Records Management, and SharePoint Trends”:
Executive Summary
Growing demand for more flexibility and faster deployment of key ECM functionality presents an opportunity for developers to build, position, and sell add-on products for not only SharePoint, but other ECM systems as well. While each have their strengths, there are gaps that could be better addressed. For example, SharePoint has been proven to be weak in the area of records management, capture, and workflow from an out-of-the-box perspective.
AIIM Research finds that
- 57% of organizations use Microsoft® SharePoint® for ECM/DM, 31% consider it to be their main or only (10%) ECM/DM system.
- The biggest on-going issues are user adoption, extending the business scope, and governance.
- ECM is a work-in-progress for most: only 18% have completed a company-wide capability.
- ECM is a multi-system landscape. 75% have more than one ECM/DM/RM systems.
AIIM Research also finds that more than 50% of respondents say their ECM projects are not successful and the majority of respondents (61%) say their SharePoint deployments are stalled, struggling, or failing. Only 6% say their deployment was an unqualified success. (Figure 1) This is a clear sign of opportunity and signal that change in the way ECM is implemented and deployed must be made.
A sound approach to addressing this is to view the process from the customer’s eyes. What is their journey through your information ecosystem? What bits of content will they require, access, provide, and interact with along the way? What is their process of moving from point A to point B and finally to point C? As with any journey, there are processes to follow and tools that will make the journey and experience much more pleasant; this is where opportunity lies for the service and solution provider, to provide the tools and services required to reach the final goal in ways that are transparent to the customer. From a technology view, these are areas for add-on enhancement.
Another approach may be a vertical focus where add-on products address specific areas of business like transcript processing, invoice processing, and claims processing. In these instances, primer applications are created that cover 80% of the common functionality while the remaining 20% is addressed through configuration or customization.
The thought being one of getting the organization up and running quickly and fine-tune it once it is in place.
Indications surfacing from both the user and supplier communities are that opportunity exists for the continued development of add-on modules to enhance ECM systems, SharePoint, and Office 365 functionality. As discussed in the previous section, the focus should be on business problem resolution in the form of automation and process specific applications. These could include:
- Invoice processing
- Document control/versioning
- Correspondence management
- Collaboration and team content creation Technology areas may include: Process automation
- Mobile Apps for secure access and process engagement
- Auto-classification and storage of in-process and completed content
- Simplified linkage between Office 365, SharePoint, and ECM systems
The key to success is to understand the business process, the goals or outcome of the process, barriers to accomplishing or hindering success, and identifying how ECM, SharePoint, and/or Office 365 would be applied to address the need and eliminate the barriers. As a result, apps would be developed to either fill the technology gaps or be the better alternative to what exists. For example, there are few records management add-ons to SharePoint and fewer still that meet rigorous standards requirements like those found in the United States Department of Defense requirement DoD 5015.2 which is rapidly gaining recognition on the international scene as a de facto reference for government agencies worldwide.
Process Improvement and Automation 2016 – A Look at BPM
Viele Unternehmen erkennen die Notwendigkeit ihre Geschäftsprozesse zu optimieren um die sich ergebenden Vorteile zu nutzen. Wie der AIIM Industry Watch Report 2016 „Information Management – State of the Industry 2016“ zeigte, sehen nun 55% der Befragten Business Process Management (BPM) als signifikant oder unerlässlich für ihr Unternehmen an. Ähnliches ist auch bei ECM zu beobachten – denn BPM ist eine wesentliche Komponente von Enterprise COntent Management.
In diesem Bericht werden die Bedeutung von BPM, die geschäftlichen Treiber, technologische Infrastruktur, wirtschaftliche Vorteile, technische Anforderungen sowie geplante Anschaffungen und Budgets betrachtet. Jeder Abschnitt präsentiert die Ergebnisse der Befragung einschließlich einer Bewertung durch erfahrende Analysten. Der Bericht schließt mit einer Zusammenfassung und Empfehlungen für Unternehmen.
Download bei AIIM:
- About the Research
- Introduction
- Perceptions of BPM
- Technology Infrastructure
- Technical Requirements
- Purchase and Spend
- Conclusion and Recommendations
- Appendix 1: Survey Demographics
- Appendix 2: Selective comments
"Keyfindings" der Studie "Process Improvement and Automation 2016 – A Look at BPM":
Perceptions of BPM
- The majority of respondents see BPM as the combination of a systematic approach to improving business processes (97%) and workflow or BPM technology (79%). 66% see BPM as change management.
- 48% of respondents say they are vaguely familiar or have no clear understanding of BPM. 18% say it is well understood and embraced in their organizations.
- Nearly a third of respondents say there is no one directly responsible for ownership of their processes. 58% say they have process owners.
- 55% of respondents say BPM is significant (38%) or imperative (17%) for their business. For 14% there is little to no importance placed on BPM.
Business Drivers
- Stuck-in-process is the biggest operational problem for 58% of respondents. For 46% it has to deal with compliance errors.
- According to 32% of respondents, BPM projects are driven departmentally. For 31% BPM project are driven from the top down.
- Outsourcing of payroll and benefits is routine for 35% of respondents. Outbound mail and print are routinely outsourced for 30%.
- Process governance policies are in place for 48% with 14% of those respondents indicating they are enterprise-wide. For 18%, there are no process related policies at all.
Technology Infrastructure
- Large mailroom scanners are in place, supporting digital mailrooms for 21% of respondents. For 31% of respondents, a distributed capture process is in use.
- Cloud services and mobile device use are key functionalities in use by 40% of respondents. ECM/ERP data management integration is in place for 46% of organizations.
- Process modeling (66%) and Business Activity Monitoring or BAM (53%) are being used by respondents’ organizations. While Application Programming Interfaces (API) and Software Development Kits (SDK) are in use by 47% of responding organizations.
- One-third of organizations have seen a decrease in their review and approval cycles and 62% say they have gained benefits from better routing to and between individuals. For 42%, the benefits come from greater organizational agility and routing between processes.
- Faster processing of business critical activities has provided the biggest value for 53% of respondents. 45% cite their biggest value from fewer errors and exceptions processing.
- Payback has been realized within a year for 41% of respondents of which 17% cite ROI within 6 months. For 25% their ROI was within 18 months.
Technical Requirements
- Analytics and reporting are considered mandatory for 64% of respondents. User defined process mapping and modification is the top requirement for 51%.
- Mobile and cloud support are seen as important for 67% of organizations. Production of executable files is considered irrelevant (47%).
- Audit trails and executed process must be secured for 89% of respondents. Security over performance metrics and reporting is key for 74%.
Purchase and Spend
- When considering a supplier, functionality (87%) and scalability (66%) rate high. Out-of-the-box processes are a high consideration for 41% of respondents.
- Purchases will be made within a year by 22% of respondents with 12% citing within 6 months. In that same time frame, those who have solutions plan to expand within a year (38%) and of those, 20% plan expansion within 6 months.
- The line-of-business managers will conduct the evaluation process for 35% of respondents. The decision will be made by the CIO/COO for 68%.
Zum Schluss noch ein kurzer Überblick zu aktuellen "AIIM Toolkits", die AIIM Mitgliedern ebenfalls im kostenfreien Download zur Verfügung stehen (Links auf die AIIM Webseite).
Neue AIIM Toolkits
• How to Prepare for the CIP Exam
• How to Automate Records Capture and Classification
• How to Best Use File Sync and Share with Many Users and Documents
• How to Clean File Shares
• How to Create a File Plan in SharePoint 2013
• How to Build a Global Records Program
• How to Determine the Right Type of Taxonomy for Your Business
• How to Develop an ECM Strategy
• How to Do Business Process Modeling Notation
• How to Start Planning Capture 2.0
Sharepoint-Studien USA & Deutschland
Die AIIM hat eine Studoe zu Sharepoint-Trends mit dem Titel "Document Management, Records Management, and SharePoint Trends" im Mai 2016 herausgegeben: Hier liegt der Schwerpunkt der Befragung auf ECM-Themen. Auch hier ist der Tenor, dass es für Archivierung, Workflow und Records Management weiterer Zusatzsysteme bedarf.
Es lohnt sich der Vergleich mit der "Sharepoint Anwenderstudie 2016" vom Juli 2016. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Riemke-Gurzki und Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Hitzges von der Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart (HDM) haben eine sehr interessante Studie zur Anwendung von Sharepoint herausgegeben: "Wie deutsche Firmen Sharepoint einsetzen". In dieser Studie sind die unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkte nachzulesen, die Sharepoint bei Anwendern versuchte zu besetzen: Teamarbeit, Workflow, Web-Content-Management (WCM), Social-Collaboration … und immer wieder Intranet. Letzteres steht natürlich in einer "gewissen Konkurrenz" zum Ansatz, den Sharepoint mehr und mehr in die Cloud zu verlagern. ECM-Funktionalität spielt hier eine geringere Rolle und es wird ausgeführt, dass hierfür meistens weitere Systeme additiv zum Einsatz kommen.
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Anders als bei den AIIM-Studien gibt es die Gesamtausgabe leider nicht kostenfrei. Die kostenpflichtige Studie kann für 119,00 € hier bestellt werden.:
Zur aktuellen Microsoft Sharepoint-Cloud-Strategie gibt es auf CMSwire von Dom Nicastro einen interssanten Einwurf "Microsoft's SharePoint Roadmap: Experts Weigh In":
Satya Nadella, CEO von Microsoft, hatte auf dem Sharepoint Future Event im Mai verkündet: “We are continuing to advance SharePoint, OneDrive and the entire Office 365 service in ways that make productivity even more collaborative, intelligent, mobile and trustworthy.” Eine klare Cloud-Strategie. Die dazugehörige Roadmap für Sharepoint soll folgende Schwerpunkte beinhalten:
Diese Strategie ist nicht unumstritten. In den nächsten Jahren muss sich zeigen, wie Microsoft die Entwicklungen für Cloud und Inhouse parallel hält, denn auch in Deutschland will – noch – nicht jeder in die Microsoft Cloud.