#WPFD World Paper Free Day chat auf Twitter am 18.10.2012

11. Oktober 2012 19:10 Uhr  |  Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer  |  Permalink

Am Donnerstag, dem 18. Oktober 2012 von 17:00 bis 18:00 gibt es auf Twitter einen "TweetJam" zum #WPFD World Paper Free Day. Bryant Duhon von der AIIM wird einige von Fragen posten und freut sich auf eine rege Diskussion, was man denn alles zum #WPFD am 25.10.2012 veranstalten kann. Jeder  kann mitmachen!


Für den #WPFD World Paper Free Day hat AIIM zwei Tweetjams geplant. Den ersten Chat am 18.10.2012, den zweiten direkt am #WPFD 25.10.2012. Die Themen, das Procedere zum Mitmachen und weiterführende Informationen hat Bryant Duhon von der AIIM hier zusammengestellt: http://bit.ly/Q2naOH.

Aktuelle Links zum #WPFD:

#WPFD Chat am 18. und am 25.10.2012  http://bit.ly/Q2naOH
#WPFD Roundtable auf der Competence-Site http://bit.ly/CS-WPFD
#WPFD AIIM Initiative http://bit.ly/AIIM-WPFD
#WPFD Messe Stuttgart: http://bit.ly/WPFD_DMSEXPO
#WPFD XING Diskussion http://bit.ly/WPFD-DMSEXPO12
#WPFD auf der DMS EXPO http://bit.ly/WPFD2012-DMSEXPO
#WPFD AIIM Studie http://bit.ly/NYYKKS
#WPFD PROJECT CONSULT Vorschläge http://bit.ly/PC_WPFD
#WPFD Facebook Gruppe http://on.fb.me/FB_WPFD
#WPFD Facebook Termin http://on.fb.me/WPFD12
#WPFD Papierloses Klo & Papierloses Büro http://bit.ly/Paperless_Loo
#WPFD Fujitsu Whitepaper “Scan-to-Green” http://bit.ly/Q1EOTr
#WPFD AIIM Video http://bit.ly/VfYtT2
#WPFD AIIM international Pressenotiz: http://bit.ly/TepDMW
#WPFD Electric Paper Pressenotiz: http://bit.ly/UICAy3
#WPFD Fischer Software Pressenotiz: http://bit.ly/S7xuW6
#WPFD PROJECT CONSULT Pressenotiz: http://bit.ly/OJHYzv
#WPFD Zeutschel Pressenotiz : http://bit.ly/UINTX6
#WPFD ECMguide: http://bit.ly/Q1Hnb7
#WPFD Kostenfreie Eintrittskarte zur DMS EXPO http://bit.ly/DMS-kostenfrei 

Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer

Curriculum auf Wikipedia https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulrich_Kampffmeyer

Ein Kommentar zu “#WPFD World Paper Free Day chat auf Twitter am 18.10.2012

  • #WPFD Tweetjam - gestern 18.10. und kommende Woche 25.10.
    19. Oktober 2012 um 9:42

    Am Donnerstag, 25.10.2012, ist #WPFD World Paper Free Day. Um für dieses Event der AIIM Aufmerksamkeit zu schaffen, wurde am 18.10.2012 von 17:00 bis 18:15 ein TweetJam auf Twitter organisiert.

    Die Diskussion entspann sich um die Fragen:

    Question 1: What's the #paperless office look like?

    Question 2: Why still so much paper? Is paper culture beginning to crumble with #tablets and #smartphones?

    Question 3: What is your favorite paper/manual-related fiasco story?

    Question 4: In the next 7 days, what will you do to use less/no paper, personally or for work?

    Question 5:  Why hasn't capture penetrated 100%? The tech works. For those of you using docimaging, how #paperfree are you?


    Wir haben einige Kommentare und Antworten in die Diskussion eingestreut:


    Answer @nickinglis: you need no desk, you just have a mobile device on your lab, talk to it, use biometric signatures and everything is done

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way, did Mitt Romney know that an electronic binder has much more space for women than a paper binder? #bindersfullofwomen

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way, do not print, do not copy, do not fax paper on October 25th! #paperfree

    Answer @AIIMcmty: #WPFD is about to save paper in office processes, not to avoid paper use in general!

    Answer @Doculine: eBook is just one format evolving. I started using a free service to convert docs into epub instead of PDF #coextant #xtcloud

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way,  if we go completley #paperfree  we will completely dependent on the availbility of electronic systems. #GreenIT

    Answer @nickinglis: monitor?! You will have stereo 3D in your spectacles … 'WPFD

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way,  the most important trait to go #paperless is discipline. #HumanFactor #InformationSociety

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way, #WPFD – btw, in certain businesses and applications the #paperless office has been here for decades already! #History

    Answer @jmancini77: Scanned-in signature? that is no "real" legally valid electronic signature – especially not in Germany! #WPFD

    Answer @HobsExchange_Jo: Legal admissibility is still one major restriction in some countries but it will be overcome with time

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way, the World Paper Free Day is not today, it is on October 25th, 2012!

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way, when we go #paperless electronic systems will use up much more energy – where is the balance? #goingGreen

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way,  the challenge of our time is to manage both paper and electronic information synchronously! 

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way,  World Paper Free Day is about saving time and not saving trees! #goingGreen

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way, the one day on WPFD is the first step on the road for the paperfree office! #paperless

    Answer @AIIMcmtymy personal desk is paperfree although it is standing in my library full of books … #WPFD

    Answer @SteveWeissman: Do not print, do not copy, do not fax paper on October 25th! #paperfree #WPFD 

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way, the paperfree toilet is here – there is no longer an argument against the paperfree office! #toilet

    Answer @DrUKff: The paperfree loo is already here, the paperfree office is next to come! #WPFD #http://bit.ly/Paperless_Office

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way, WPFD is about to overcome the media gap in our processes! #BPM #workflow #email

    Answer  @AIIMcmty: The same companies selling scanners are selling copiers and fax machines 🙂 #WPFD #anachronism

    Answer @jimargarcia: #Capture … forget about traditional scanners in SME, the camera in your future smartphone will do for you

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way,  to go #paperless is a question of mindset! #humanity

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way,  to go #paperless, adopt the new interpretation of ECM = enterprise CHANGE management! #ECM

    Answer @PeggyWinton: We will have a panel discussion @DMSEXPO on #paperless issues with #Gartner #Microsoft etc. #ITBDMS #WPFD

    Answer @AIIMcmty: Strive to make the DMSEXPO fair #ITBDMS paperfree – these ECM vendors should not distribute paper on the floor #WPFD 

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way, our culture was trained for thousand of years on paper organisation – we cannot change this in a decade. #Paper

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way, , the benefits are streamlined processes, information on your fingertips, everywhere, any time, any device! #socbiz

    Answer @john_clifton: adoption of paperless – the next generation will be raised with #paperless, #eLearning, #mobile devices. 

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way, going completely #paperless is a little bit like meeting HAL in Odyssey 2001. #Risk

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way,  there is no chance NOT to go #paperless – business without #ECM and seamless communication will be too slow to survive! #Death

    Answer @ECMupdateIt makes no sense for the ECM-industry to promote printing and to distribute paper brochures! #WPFD 

    Comment: #WPFD – by the way, , the future is digital, meaning communication and information management will be paperfree at last! #Future

    Answer @PerceptiveSW: #paperless #office – link list for #WPFD World Paper Free Day activities on Oct 25 http://on.fb.me/Tx6zUp 


    Der nächste #infochat zum #WPFD World Paper Free Day ist am 25. Oktober 2012, 17:00 – 18:00 … genau dann, wenn die DMS EXPO (http://www.DMSEXPO.de) ihre Tore schließt. http://bit.ly/Q2naOH


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